Dodgeball Tournament




Matches will be held between 11 district teams | Double-elimination tournament | Max of three games played per match | Best-of-three format: winner of two games advances | Participants must play for their own district | Seeding is generated by prior year’s tournament results | New matches are announced and begun as soon as a playing field is made available



Two teams of no more than ten players | Four of each gender on the court to start each game | 3-minute games | All games are “Prison Break” style



The first team to eliminate all opposing players wins | If neither team has been eliminated at the end of the time limit, the team with the greater number of players remaining wins



The game begins with the dodgeballs along the center line, and the players along their back-end line | At the signal, players rush the center line to retrieve the balls | Balls may not be thrown during the 5-second retrieval period | Sliding to retrieve balls is not permitted



Continuous game play commences immediately without pause until the time expires | The object of each game is to eliminate all opposing players before the time limit; or to have the most players remaining when the time expires | Hitting an opposing player with a thrown live ball eliminates the hit player | Catching an opposing player’s thrown ball before it touches the ground eliminates the thrower | Causing an opposing player to drop a held ball as a result of contact by your thrown live ball eliminates the dropper | Eliminated players must wait seated or kneeling at the center line, next to the head referee, in order of elimination | Catching an opposing player’s thrown ball activates the next eligible eliminated teammate | A ball is considered live until it touches the ground | Balls may be deflected with other held balls | Deflected balls are still live until they touch the ground | Caught deflected balls eliminate the thrower | At the referee’s discretion, a player may be called out for refusal to throw the ball



All balls are dead (even if they are in the air) when the time expired whistle sounds. In the case of an equal number of active players remaining after the time expires, an indefinite sudden-death overtime period is required. The head referee will freeze play, announce the period of sudden death, and play will restart at the whistle with the active players only, and continue until someone is called out, ending the round immediately.



For a player standing upright that is hit in the head with ball, neither the thrower nor the person that was hit is out. If a player is visibly ducking and still gets hit in the head, then the player who was hit is indeed out and the player that threw the ball stays in—all of which falls purely and solely to your referee’s discretion. The referee will decide if the player ducking knew the ball was coming and failed to dodge that ball or not.