Creative Writing
- Creative Writing is defined as a written work including a short story, prose or poetry on a religious topic or scripture passage.
- Participants must be in the 6th-12th grade by the time of Celebrate Life in May. Each District President is responsible for who may/may not participate from their district.
- Creative Writing entries must be presented in a typed format in order to avoid a penalty. Creative Writing includes the areas of short stories, prose and poetry. All entries should be presented in a folder. DO NOT FRAME. There is a 10-page limit.
- Creative Writing entries must be accompanied by a typed or neatly written note card affixed to the writing and stating the participant’s name, address and district.
- Only one Creative Writing entry may be submitted per person.
- Participants will be rated by a Superior, Excellent, Good or Fair rating system, with Superior being the best possible. This is combined with the other areas of Arts.
- Each district will garner grand trophy points with the 1st place district receiving the most and the 11th place district receiving the least.
2024 Information:
- All Creative Writing entries must be turned in at the Communication Entry table in the Larsen Fine Arts Center on Thursday between 12:30-2:30 P.M. They may be picked up on Friday at 3:00 in the Writer’s Lounge on the second floor of Benner Library, or between 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. on Saturday morning.
- All Creative Writing participants are invited to join faculty from Olivet’s English Department for a creative writing workshop in the Writer’s Lounge on the second floor of Benner Library at 3:00 on Friday. Participants will hear fun and creative writing strategies from members of Olivet’s English faculty.